TNP in a Nutshell

TNP in a Nutshell

In a constantly changing world, TNP has mastered the art of transformation and performance. Forging a lasting transformation to innovate and prepare for the future. Aiming higher and transcending limits to ensure higher performance, starting now. 




M€ of sales





Created in 2007, TNP is an independent and hybrid French consulting firm specializing in operational, regulatory, and digital transformations. TNP is involved in various dimensions and regulatory, operational strategy, information system, business and human capital and projects in many industries such as: banking, insurance, public sector and healthcare, transport and logistics, industry, energy, and retail. With expertise in defining and implementing transformation programs, TNP has ingrained accelerating its customers’ performance into its very DNA.

TNP operates in three strategic regions of the world:

  • Western Europe: Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Monaco, Luxembourg, Milan,Geneva and Frankfurt 
  • North and West Africa: Casablanca, Abidjan, Tunis and Libreville 
  • India and the Middle East: Cochin, Mumbai, Delhi and Dubai 
Carte TNP

#TNP, a partner for your transformations 

The world is seeing a period of intense instability: economic, geostrategic, climatic, environmental and social. The challenges facing today’s businesses have never been so complex or so varied. At TNP, we continue to pursue our primary mission of providing guidance and support to corporate suites at major companies in France, Europe, Africa, India and the Middle East, as they carry out their strategic, operational, regulatory and digital transformations. 

 To put those transformations on the path to success, we draw strength from our ability to combine industry know-how and high-calibre technological expertise in data, information systems, artificial intelligence and the digital 

world. Our personnel typically boast a track record of experience in both operations and consulting, enabling them to interact more effectively with in-house teams. 

 Consulting is a demanding profession, so a culture based on metrics and results has always been integral to how we operate and something we 

value highly, as reflected in our practice of tying a portion of our revenue to the effectiveness of the transformations we implement. 

 Driving these transformations also requires the ability to innovate and create new business models, particularly through a commitment to partnerships. We excel in working closely with our client firms to co-create new services and 

products that offer a significant competitive advantage, while preserving each partner’s sovereignty and independence. 

 The primary concerns we address have a far-reaching impact on the business:  

  • your desire to restructure your organization and its processes, products and services so as to elicit maximum value from technology  
  • your strategic need to commit to austerity  
  • your need to comply with an increasingly strict regulatory environment  
  • your efforts to streamline a major cross-functional division to boost its financial and operational efficiency. 

Our firm has found its calling by addressing those needs for more than fifteen years: committed, independent, entrepreneurial, international, boasting hybrid (sector/digital) and specialized skills for end-to-end management of complex projects. 


TNP relies on a strong capacity to aggregate business know-how and technological innovations to meet strategic transformation challenges at the service of performance.

TNP takes an active part in the success of transformation projects by committing to the expected results.

The seniority of our teams guarantees the expertise, the quality of the interventions, the contribution of entrepreneurial and professional values, as well as the supervision of the consultants. The partners are present and active throughout the projects with the clients and not only at the time of the signature of the contract!

TNP is an independent company, 100% owned by the partners who are operationally involved in the life of the company and in the clients’ projects. This economic independence allows our consulting firm to act and evolve freely with its clients for a fair, pragmatic and adapted advice.

As important as expertise and technique are, the success of projects depends above all on the people who carry them out.

The firm’s historical clients are the growth engine of the firm, renewing their requests for support.